Photography students at CityofBath College which is the building across from our building.
Hello strangers!
It's been a while from my last post (I want to try to post 2-3 times a week) but I've been sick the last few days and working on a presentation... aand reading.. aand working an essay.
I've come to learn that Master studies are a bit more work than Bachelor studies, but oh well, it'll be worth it in the end..
I took these photos of my neighborhood before Eyþór came to live with me in Bath. I needed some fresh air (and some sugar) and walked to a cafe to study and took my camera along.
Our neighborhood is pretty great because well, it's the city centre. We really love having everything just a few footsteps away even though it can be pretty crowded with tourists on Saturdays.
P.s. Kind of strange but I've been getting quite a lot of visits to my blog from Benin and Israel! Hah, kind of random.. (I'm guessing spam because I'm getting some spam comments sent to my email) Kannast einhver bloggvinkona við eitthvað svona?
FYRIR ÖMMU: Hér eru nokkrar myndir af hverfinu mínu hér í Bath sem ég tók eitt kvöldið þegar ég var að rölta heim frá lærdómsstund á kaffihúsi. Það besta við hverfið er að það ER miðbærinn! Æðislegt að hafa allt hérna nokkrum skrefum frá.. reyndar ekki á laugardögum en þá fyllist borgin af túristum, verð að taka mynd af fólksfjöldanum einhvern tímann, maður þverfótar varla fyrir ferðamönnum. Síðasta myndin er tekin í húsinu á móti okkar en þar er iðnskólinn í Bath, þarna var fólk greinilega að læra á þrífótinn í ljósmyndanámi.