TOMORROW night I'll no longer be lonely girl!
No worries, I have a bunch of new wonderful friends in Bath but after having spent nearly every single day for 5 years with somebody, a 3 week separation needs some getting used to..
I think I've managed pretty well so far (I've always been an independent girl) but I can't wait to be able to share this experience with my beau.
Anyways, the photos of this post have nothing to do with that, they are just random photos but some do entail a reference to "lonely times".
Studying at Starbucks with a Pumpkin Latte (heaven forbid, it tasted amazing)
Enjoying some light reading in between the scientific articles..
Enjoying some light reading in between the scientific articles..
"Healthy" girl (in between all the crap I've been eating, I mean there are so many new English treats I just must try..) So this is fish&veggies and an "oatmeal cake" for breakfast.
All the coupons and stuff I got at the Student Fair.
Magnús páskaungi (Magnus - the easter chick) came with me to Bath! (you can see more of him and his brother here)
Gaman að fylgjast með :))
Er alltaf sjálf á leiðinni að byrja að blogga...þessi blogg fengum mig til þess að hugsa um það enn frekar ;) vonandi gengur allt vel!
takk fyrir það mín kæra, það gengur allt ósköp vel :) við ætlum í dagsferð til Wales (Cardiff) á laugardaginn, fórst þú til Cardiff þegar þú fórst?
JÁ farðu nú að blogga!
Ég fór til Cardiff..en það var bara tveggja tíma stopp þar, þannig að það var stutt.. Sá þó Cardiff Castle hehe...góða ferð og gangi þér vel að skilja fólkið í Wales ;)!
haha já akkúrat, takk!
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