Eyþór and I wanted to check out what all the fuss was about around the Bath rugby team. Whenever there is a home game, the town fills up with people and in general, the team is pretty good on a national level. We had never been to a rugby game before so we checked out some of the rules on youtube before the game. However, that ended up not to really matter because we found the game itself slow and kind of boring. It was interesting though and the overall experience was good. Always fun to experience new things right?
Here are some moments from the game that Eyþór captured and I like them so much that I want to share :)
The weather was beautiful which made the standing for 2 hours more tolerable.

This was our favorite part of the game! (this happened following the throw-in)
Us with a red rose which we bought in remembrance of UK soldiers who have lost their lives during the two world wars.
Maria and Charlotte, two of my friends from Uni came with us but I only have a bad iPhone photo of us together...too bad!
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