Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Bath by night

Photography students at CityofBath College which is the building across from our building.

Hello strangers! 
It's been a while from my last post (I want to try to post 2-3 times a week) but I've been sick the last few days and working on a presentation... aand reading.. aand working an essay. 
I've come to learn that Master studies are a bit more work than Bachelor studies, but oh well,  it'll be worth it in the end..

I took these photos of my neighborhood before Eyþór came to live with me in Bath. I needed some fresh air (and some sugar) and walked to a cafe to study and took my camera along.
Our neighborhood is pretty great because well, it's the city centre. We really love having everything just a few footsteps away even though it can be pretty crowded with tourists on Saturdays.

P.s. Kind of strange but I've been getting quite a lot of visits to my blog from Benin and Israel! Hah, kind of random.. (I'm guessing spam because I'm getting some spam comments sent to my email) Kannast einhver bloggvinkona við eitthvað svona? 

FYRIR ÖMMU: Hér eru nokkrar myndir af hverfinu mínu hér í Bath sem ég tók eitt kvöldið þegar ég var að rölta heim frá lærdómsstund á kaffihúsi. Það besta við hverfið er að það ER miðbærinn! Æðislegt að hafa allt hérna nokkrum skrefum frá.. reyndar ekki á laugardögum en þá fyllist borgin af túristum, verð að taka mynd af fólksfjöldanum einhvern tímann, maður þverfótar varla fyrir ferðamönnum. Síðasta myndin er tekin í húsinu á móti okkar en þar er iðnskólinn í Bath, þarna var fólk greinilega að læra á þrífótinn í ljósmyndanámi.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Cardiff/Wales part2

We tried some Welsh chocolate chip cakes.. nothing spectacular.

Sausages are quite a disgusting footage..

This very nice Welsh guy came and hugged Eyþór out of the blue at the farmers market - he wanted to be in the photo! 

Fighting siblings and an irritated dad.

We walked to the Cardiff Bay area later that day and had a relaxing dinner at a nice Italian restaurant after all the exhausting walks throughout the day.
It was such a great trip and I would definitely recommend the city, it's a perfect city for a day trip!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Cardiff/Wales part1

Since we're only spending one semester in the UK, we want to make the most of it. Use our options to travel whenever we can (when I'm not swamped with schoolwork) and enjoy what this country has to offer. We were curious to know how far we were from Wales since we had never visited the country and found out that the capital city of Wales is only about 1hour15mins away from Bath. So a daytrip to Cardiff it was on a sunny Saturday.

One of my favorite treats - French macarons. This one had coffe flavour, so good but caramel is still the best.
The welsh language was quite amusing.

Cardiff surprised us, it is a lovely city. The city center was very lively on a Saturday and we walked for hours, maybe shopped a little bit (they have Primark..what an exhausting experience shopping there), had lunch and dinner, walked along the harbor and of course enjoyed some sweet treats along the way.

Most of the photos are Eyþór's and there are photos from our day on his blog as well.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

EAT THIS: Yak Yeti Yak

So since I'm gonna be on the move the next 2-3 years and probably not have proper kitchenware, I won't be posting recipies like I used to when I was back home. I really miss baking my own food from scratch, f.ex granola bars, cakes and bread. And man, I miss my blender and mixer..
Anyways, instead of recipe posts - I will do "restaurant/cafe" reviews because let's face it, people like to look at photos of food and it might be fun to keep track of all the restaurants we will visit the next few years. Yes, we really like going out to dinner and that's something we will continue to do even though we're poor students living abroad.

The first restaurant we visited was a Nepalese restaurant, located in one of the many cellars here in Bath. It's called Yak Yeti Yak and it was fantastic! Everything about it was good although my companion said he would have liked bigger portions. The decorations were authentic Nepalese (we suppose...haha), the service was very good and the food.. oh my! We were drooling through the whole meal. We started with Pappadums with the most amazing tomato/mango/chili chutney. Then we each got a main dish plus an original rice dish which included mustard seeds, spring onions and carrots. The dishes were both delicious and the price was pretty fair. 

The Nepalese beer was supposedly very tasty.
There was a "pink day" in Iceland the day before, I took it just the more seriously the day after and wore my pink collar pin (for breast cancer) and a new pink watch Eyþór brought.
Eyþór had chicken in chili.
I had chickpeas and potatoes in cumin (love that spice)
Next time, we would like to sit here while we eat!
ODEON movie theatre is one house away from us. Overall a good cinema excluding the high price for us Icelanders with the freaking pound... But caramel Ben&Jerry's ice cream made up for it. We saw the movie "The perks of being a wallflower" and man is it good! A very touching story, I was quite vulnerable as we walked out of the movie theatre with tears in my eyes. Definitely recommend it.

(Photos taken with Nokia N8)

Fyrir ömmu: Jájá, hér koma enn fleiri matarmyndir (ég talaði við ömmu á skype í dag og hún sagði okkur systurnar alltaf vera að tala um eða taka mynd af mat..haha, ég sagði henni að það væri trendið í dag, allir að taka fallegar myndir af mat). Við Eyþór fórum á svakalega góðan nepalskan stað á laugardaginn, fengum kjúkling í chili og kjúklingabauna&kartöflurétt í cumin. Eins og sést á einni myndinni þá var hægt að sitja á púðum og borða matinn en við fengum því miður ekki þannig borð.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Eye of Pængs

I've been super busy lately (hello grad school!) with school and of course hanging out with my boyfriend who I picked up at the bus station at 2 o'clock after midnight on Friday.
We had a lovely Saturday, where he took beautiful photos, some of which you can see on his blog
Eye of Pængs (the photos from Saturday are here). I've got some phone photos from our evening date on Sat coming up, we went to an amazing restaurant and saw a great movie).

This statue is of some swimmer dude, it's situated in one of the main shopping streets, very close to our apartment.

P.s. I'm now on Instagram!! Finally.. all of my friends are on there and I've been catching up. My username is valgerdurbjork if you're interested in seeing more photos from our daily life in Bath :)

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Only the lonely (randoms)

I kind of love this song.
TOMORROW night I'll no longer be lonely girl!

No worries, I have a bunch of new wonderful friends in Bath but after having spent nearly every single day for 5 years with somebody, a 3 week separation needs some getting used to.. 

I think I've managed pretty well so far (I've always been an independent girl) but I can't wait to be able to share this experience with my beau.

Anyways, the photos of this post have nothing to do with that, they are just random photos but some do entail a reference to "lonely times".

 Studying at Starbucks with a Pumpkin Latte (heaven forbid, it tasted amazing)
Enjoying some light reading in between the scientific articles..
 Ready-meals have been a common dinner at this househould lately. It's Icelandic fish! 
"Healthy" girl (in between all the crap I've been eating, I mean there are so many new English treats I just must try..) So this is fish&veggies and an "oatmeal cake" for breakfast.
                                  All the coupons and stuff I got at the Student Fair.
Magnús páskaungi (Magnus - the easter chick) came with me to Bath! (you can see more of him and his brother here)

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Little shop of Horror

Last weekend I went to see the musical "Little Shop of Horror" at the university's arts theatre.

It was surprisingly good! Well, we didn't know what to expect but the cast was great, the story was fun and I loved the songs (yes, I am a sucker for musical songs...). 
Maria, Marina and I went to the Plug (a restaurant/bar/club) at the Uni campus. Sarah, Floor and Anne joined us later for the show. Anyways, we had food, but more importantly: PIMMS. My three best friends in Iceland introduced me to this drink after their trip to London a few years back and it's safe to say we are addicted. The best one yet is the one Edda Rós and I had at a restaurant bar in Vienna, it really needs to contain cucumber and preferably fruits (missing in the photo below).
The creepy plant - Audrey 2.

Við fórum nokkrar vinkonur á uppsetningu háskólaleiklistarhópsins á Litlu Hryllingsbúðinni. Sýningin kom okkur á óvart, reyndist vera hin fínasta skemmtun. Góðir söngvarar, skemmtileg lög og svo er sagan sjálf ansi hressandi.