Friday, November 30, 2012

During study breaks we.. to walk and observe our surroundings in this beautiful city. Day and evening, Bath gives us nice things to look at and I'm eager to share them with you!

Some of the houses here look so intriguing. So different from everything I've seen before. Would die to be invited into one of them..
Kind of a nice backyard..
This front of a castle is on the driving-range of the main golf course in Bath. The golf course also has a pretty impressive view over the city. 
You can see some golfers there :)



Here are photos from two of our endless walks.
On one of them, we walked up Bathwick hill, almost to the top but decided to check out the castle and well the golf course as well, to take photos to send to my golf-loving dad. During the evening walk, we tried to see the Christmas light switch on in the city centre but apparently the city of Bath provides extensive security during events like this which meant closing of nearby streets after the event had started. So we couldn't see anything but we did see this creature through the front door of an open museum. We came across a snowman in the snow-less Bath and a violinist with an abnormal balance, I couldn't believe my eyes!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Green Park station christmas pop-up market

I bought a nice hairpin from one of the designers.

A Sunday afternoon spent at the pop-up christmas market at Green Park station where the beloved farmers market takes place every Saturday. Now it seems there are different markets there every Sunday as well.. which we don't hate!

Eyþór indulged in a marshmallow-filled hot chocolate, I had a toffee muffin and we played cards on a table while people-watching and enjoying the sun.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Around Bath

 Love this shot!
 Eyþór and I are going crazy over ambulance/police car siren noises - we hear them from our apartment perhaps 10 times a day...
 Children learning how to make chocolate treats.

Hills hills hills...this is the infamous one I've told everyone at home about - the one leading up to my university.

Just some photos from one of our numerous walks around the city. 
Not much else going on these days.. we're both busy with endless schoolwork but we try to enjoy our last moments here together by going out for long walks or dinner, - drink, - or coffee&cake dates (always cake...I can never JUST have a coffeedrink). Eyþór is leaving in 5 days (!!) to take his Uni-finals and I'll be home in exactly three weeks. 

We had a cosy weekend together which started with a touristy-day in Bath where we went to the Roman Baths and the Christmas market. Photos from that coming up anytime "soon"..

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Leaves are falling

This photo is not even a bit photoshopped, the leaves were really this red!
We keep seeing these trees on our morning walks around the city, the roots seem so powerful.
Most streets are covered in leaves! Check out this drive-way..

An ear?

The weather has been so mild and nice the last few days (well except today and yesterday where there has been heavy rain and some floods along with wind - typical Icelandic) and Bath is so beautiful in the fall. Now, since the Christmas Market in the city centre (kind of like the German/Austrian christmas markets) has opened, I would love for some snow. Just a little bit. I really really love cities covered in snow. Vienna is by far the prettiest city I've ever seen in snow (not that I've seen so many when it's snowing there but anyways..) and I hope to get to experience Bath as well covered in snow.

Gjörið svo vel - heilt blogg um VEÐUR - íslenskara verður það varla ;)

Monday, November 19, 2012

Neglur og orsakasambönd

Ég er alltaf að velta fyrir mér hinum ýmsu mögulegu orsakasamböndum.
- Af hverju verður húðin á mér alltaf svona slæm í útlöndum? Ætli það sé vatnið eða er ég að borða óhollari mat?
- Hvað veldur stressi í mínu lífi?
- Af hverju líður mér oft betur í líkamanum eftir að hafa borðað óhollan mat en hollan?
... Þetta eru orsakasamböndin sem ég hugsa um í mínu persónulega lífi en svo er ég auðvitað endalaust líka að velta fyrir mér ýmsum orsakasamböndum í samfélaginu og fæ oft útrás fyrir þessum pælingum í náminu mínu. 

Nýjasta pælingin er virkilega djúp: Hvers vegna eru neglurnar á mér svona fínar og sterkar eftir að ég flutti til Englands?

Ég tók með mér íslenskar þaratöflur út en þær eiga að herða neglurnar og þær hafa alltaf gert það síðan ég byrjaði að taka þær.. upp að vissu marki. Málið er bara að neglurnar mínar klofna alltaf og það er óþolandi þar sem ég næ aldrei að láta þær vaxa. Ég nagaði neglurnar í mörg ár en hætti því fyrir um 3 árum og er því enn að reyna að gera þær fínar og sterkar.

Ég tók líka með mér glæra naglalakkið sem á að herða neglurnar, mæli með þessu Maybelline lakki:

Þetta tvennt hefur alltaf virkað ágætlega hingað til en síðan ég flutti út eru neglurnar fínni sem aldrei fyrr.

Það rann upp fyrir mér þegar ég fór að brjóta heilann um hvað gæti verið að orsaka þessu að skýringin tengist mikillar minnkunar á vatnsnotkun. Og þá meina ég ekki að ég hafi ekki verið duglega að drekka ógeðslega breska vatnið, því það hef ég svo sannarlega, en hendurnar mínar snerta mun sjaldnar vatn en áður fyrr.

- Við erum með hreingerningarkonur sem koma hingað allavega 1x í viku (stundum 2x) og þrífa íbúðina. Ég hef því ekkert þurft að skúra né þurrka af en ég fann alltaf mikinn mun á nöglunum mínum heima eftir þrif.
- Eyþór sér um allt uppvask.
- Ég fer mun sjaldnar í sturtu eftir að ég kynntist SNILLDAR þurrsjampói! Ég hafði aldrei notað þetta og var vön að fara í sturtu á hverjum einasta degi, annars varð hárið svo skítugt. Mæli innilega með þessu:

Slétta og þunna hárð mitt verður allt annað þegar það er smá skítugt og ef maður spreyjar þessu yfir rótina, þá lítur hárið ekki út fyrir að vera skítugt plús að maður fær lyftingu og þykkt (hér mæli ég líka með þessum sniiiiiilldar bursta til að túbera):

Niðurstaðan er sú að ég verð víst að vera með hreingerningakonu og nota þurrsjampó ef ég ætla að halda nöglunum svona fínum.

....jæja, nú ætti ég að vera góð í Mastersritgerðina, þar sem ég mun að vísu nota aðeins vísindalegri rannsóknaraðferðir og mun fjalla um aðeins dýpra málefni en naglavöxt ;)

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Bath Rugby game

Eyþór and I wanted to check out what all the fuss was about around the Bath rugby team. Whenever there is a home game, the town fills up with people and in general, the team is pretty good on a national level. We had never been to a rugby game before so we checked out some of the rules on youtube before the game. However, that ended up not to really matter because we found the game itself slow and kind of boring. It was interesting though and the overall experience was good. Always fun to experience new things right?

Here are some moments from the game that Eyþór captured and I like them so much that I want to share :)

The weather was beautiful which made the standing for 2 hours more tolerable.


This was our favorite part of the game! (this happened following the throw-in)

Us with a red rose which we bought in remembrance of UK soldiers who have lost their lives during the two world wars.

Maria and Charlotte, two of my friends from Uni came with us but I only have a bad iPhone photo of us together...too bad!